The People Behind Your Performance

Social Graces Staff

Our certified ballroom dance instructors and professional management staff are the foundation of what makes our studio a healthy, welcoming, and inclusive environment.

freddie ciampani - owner social graces ballroom dance studio - berryville virginia

Freddie Ciampi

Owner & Dance Instructor

Freddie‘s passion for dancing blossomed during his time with a college performing arts group, where he embarked on tours across the US and Europe. Armed with a B.S. in Business Administration, Freddie’s journey into ballroom dance began with a serendipitous encounter via a newspaper ad seeking dance instructors.

From teaching in Salem, Va., and Omaha, Neb., Freddie‘s path led him to establish his own ballroom dance studio right here in Berryville. Initially as a division of the Blue Ridge Studio for the Performing Arts, Freddie‘s dedication and growing clientele enabled him to acquire his own business, fostering a vibrant ballroom dance environment.

At Social Graces Ballroom Dance Studio, Freddie infuses his classes with infectious enthusiasm, humor, and a profound emphasis on enjoyment. His warm, professional approach welcomes dancers of all ages to step into a world where fun meets elegance, inspiring them to lace up their dancing shoes and embrace the joy of movement.

“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made of.”

maria - ballroom dance instructor - social graces ballroom dance studio - berryville virginia


Dance Instructor/Assistant to the Regional Manager

Maria first entered the dance world when her parents put her in a ballet class at the age of three. She ended up studying ballet for over 12 years but decided to take a break in high school. It didn’t last long, though… Freshman year of college, she joined the ballroom dance and swing clubs. and learned quickly. She eventually joined leadership and began teaching her fellow students, and began to wonder if she could make a career out of it.

Soon after graduation, she joined Social Graces and has been happily teaching here since 2018. Maria values her ongoing education so that she can be the best possible teacher for her students.

In addition to going deeper into the knowledge of dance, Maria also enjoys learning psychology so that she can give her students the best physical, mental, and emotional benefits that dance has to offer. Maria believes that ballroom dance has something to offer everyone; we just have to figure out what you want to get out of it!

“I’m going to make everything around me beautiful; that will be my life.”

christina - ballroom dance instructor - social graces ballroom dance studio - berryville virginia


Dance Instructor

Christina found herself dancing in her bedroom and around the world as a child. Throughout growing up, she did a fair amount of physical activities, like soccer and inline hockey. Christina went to her first dance in the Caribbean, and from that point on she was hooked.

Although drawn more to the Latin dances, Christina has since started teaching all dance styles at Social Graces Ballroom Dance Studio.

allison - ballroom dance instructor - social graces ballroom dance studio - berryville virginia


Instructor/Dance Director

Allison Lenore has been a professional dance instructor since 2006, known for her expertise in American Smooth and Rhythm dance styles. Her journey into ballroom dance began during her college years at Eastern Kentucky University, where she was initially involved in track and cross country. Allison has earned numerous awards in dance competitions, reflecting her in-depth knowledge and passion for dance techniques.

Allison is celebrated not only for her technical skills but also for her enthusiastic and engaging teaching style. We are thrilled to have her as part of our team at Social Graces Ballroom Dance Studio. She offers private lessons and her popular Styling Class, helping students perfect their form, rhythm, and muscle group focus. Her classes are designed to be both fun and informative, ensuring that students leave with improved skills and a greater love for dance.

kareem - ballroom dance instructor - social graces ballroom dance studio - berryville virginia


Dance Instructor

Kareem’s journey spans various roles, from specialty mechanic to chef’s aid, until he discovered his passion for ballroom dance. He sees dance as a medium that teaches the body efficient movement, like a Porsche or Ferrari, while also enriching social interactions akin to a well-trained chef’s creations.

With a history of accomplishment, Kareem eagerly shares his diverse knowledge to empower students to excel. Moreover, he hails from a family tradition where every male has delved into music across generations, adding a rich cultural layer to his expertise.

alyona - ballroom dance instructor - social graces ballroom dance studio - berryville virginia


Dance Instructor

Our esteemed instructor Alyona Kalynii has a profound background in dance, with extensive experience and numerous accolades to her name. She specializes in children’s choreography, classical exercise, stretching, ballroom dance (both European and Latin American programs), and contemporary dance. As the leader of the contemporary dance group “Flowors” at Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, she has guided her students to victory in prestigious international competitions such as “Grand Music Fest,” “Star Symphony,” and “100 Pa.” Additionally, her teams have won multiple city and regional awards, including “Student Spring,” “New Year’s Starfall,” and “Spring Boom.” Her participation in prominent events in Kharkiv, like “Kharkiv Waltz,” “Parade-Carnival for Knowledge Day,” and the “Student Masquerade Ball,” further highlights her active role in the dance community.

With a solid foundation in early childhood education, she graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Kharkiv Pedagogical College and pursued further studies at Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G.S. Skovoroda. Her professional journey includes leading roles such as head of the ballroom dance collective “Tandem” and dance coach at “Confetti” Sports Dance Club. She has also worked as a dance teacher at several institutions, including the early development school “Childhood World” and the kindergarten combined type No. 366 in Kharkiv. Her dedication to dance education is further demonstrated by her continuous participation in winter and summer sports camps for ballroom dancing and her involvement in master classes, workshops, and seminars in contemporary choreography from 2010 to 2021. Married with one child, she leads a healthy lifestyle with no harmful habits, embodying the discipline and commitment she instills in her students.

sarah - ballroom dance studio assistant - social graces ballroom dance studio - berryville virginia


Studio Assistant

Sarah began her journey with Social Graces Ballroom Dance Studio at the age of 15, encouraged by her mom to join us behind the scenes to foster personal growth.

Over the years, she has become an indispensable part of our team, contributing to various projects, hosting events, and performing demonstrations. Sarah’s youthful energy and dedication have enriched our community, and we are thrilled to have her with us.

“A team is more than a collection of people. It is a process of give and take.”
(Just like dance)


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Discover the Joy of
Ballroom Dance at Social Graces​

Whether you’re curious about taking your very first ballroom dance lesson or reawakening your inner dancer, we can’t wait to meet you. Please tell us a little about yourself, and we’ll be in touch shortly to discuss next steps—literally!